Gear up for a busy month of cybersecurity events and happenings with your favorite IT team at Synagex! Here's the line-up of events this month:
☞ May 1st, 2023—Join Synagex and the Berkshire Innovation Center (BIC) for a webinar intended to help MA manufactures meet the stringent compliance requirements of the DoD from 2:30 am – 3:30 PM— FREE ONLINE ↳ Register to join here:
☞ May 4th, 2023—May the Fourth be With you! Join us, along with our friends at Adams Community Bank, for breakfast and cybersecurity tips & best practices at the Berkshire Hills Country Club. ↳ Register for the event by emailing and protect yourself from the digital dark side!
☞ May 12th, 2023—We’ll be at the Colorado Manufacturing Summit in Golden, CO.
The summit is a special opportunity for Colorado manufacturers to learn more about innovative solutions to address today’s biggest challenges—from Industry 4.0 to cybersecurity, business strategy and more! If you’re looking to talk tech strategy, cybersecurity defense methods, or pave a pathway to CMMC compliance… we’re your people 🤓
↳ Come out to learn, mingle or just say hello 👋 Learn more & register here:
☞ May 19th, 2023—It’s MassMEP’s Annual Manufacturing Your Future Smart Manufacturing event! The team will be back at Polar Park in Worcester, MA—and John and Pete will be speakers in a special breakout sessions on (you guessed it…) cybersecurity! ↳ Register at