How do you begin identifying security risk in your organization?
We like to think the rainbow—the risk rainbow 🌈
Here's how it works:
🎯 Every business has a Mission Critical Asset at its core that needs protecting! That could mean your design elements, financial data, sensitive employee or client information—or even CUI (Controlled Unclassified Information).
🧐 Looking at the rainbow here, we can see the many ways that the door can be opened to this Mission Critical Asset—these are where the potential security vulnerabilities exist. From physical doors 🚪 to network breaches, to compromised endpoint devices—and especially the outermost layer of HUMANS.
🔐 Now, work to secure the layers with the most risk(like the humans!)
Remember, you will never prevent cybersecurity threats completely, but by maintaining secure layers you'll be able to stop a threat actor in their tracks 😉
Here's a short video from our CEO that goes a bit more in-depth:
Our president and CEO, John Sinopoli, was recently a speaker at the MITRE Advanced Manufacturing event. The event provided information and resources for small to medium sized manufacturers in the Massachusetts area, and John's presentation, "Cyber Security Assessments for Small and Medium-Sized Manufacturers", was meant to raise awareness about the cybersecurity risks within many organizations.
Watch the full video to learn more about our rainbow layers approach to understanding cybersecurity risk opportunities, and how you can use this approach to better secure your business.
Want to take it to the next level?
Contact us to begin a cybersecurity assessment for your organization—we'll lay out an achievable plan and strategy to set you on the path to CMMC compliance, or just better cyber hygiene. ✆ ℡ 413.650.5230